French Riviera & beyond

We arrived in Bergamo from Malta early enough in the afternoon to get a few kilometers under our belt. We were heading for our next house sit in Anduze, just north of Montpellier in France. As the most direct route took us right through Monaco we took the opportunity to spend a sunny weekend on the Côte d’Azur- why wouldn’t you?

Linda performed her magic on the internet and found us a converted boat shed in the gated Marina of Èze, just a short train ride from the Principality of Monaco. Although we were one weekend too early for the Formula 1 Grand Prix, the Formula E race was taking place that weekend. As I had been to the Monaco F1 race in 2014 I wasn’t bothered about missing it on this occasion and it was a good opportunity to experience the ‘electric’ version, as I can’t imagine I would have gone out of my way otherwise.

The boat shed was brilliant. The perfect party pad! A man cave on the water if you like. As we rolled up the door the sun shone directly into the dinning area. It was well furnished with a long dining table, adequate meal preparation area, a bed settee, a large screen television and bathroom. It was tastefully decorated in a nautical theme complete with display fishing rods and, although I can’t recall exactly, I’m sure there would have been some fish netting as well.

We woke to brilliant sunshine the next morning rolling the door up to see some fashionable locals boarding their yachts for the short sail to Monte Carlo harbour for the day’s racing activities. I on the other hand, walked the kilometer or so to catch the train into the principality! It was Saturday so I had gone in to watch the support races and practice sessions. The crowds were similar to the F1 event but the track was a shortened version missing the legendary tunnel section. There was something else noticeably missing- the deafening noise! Even though the speeds and grip levels are similar, it just didn’t seem the same watching the cars ‘werrring’ around. It left me a little disheartened realising that this was the future of motorsport and the days of thundering noise and the aroma of racing fuel were almost over. At least I have permanent ear damage as a constant reminder of the ‘good old days’! 

I decided not to go in for the main race on the Sunday opting instead for a short scenic drive along the coast into Nice with Linda to do some shopping, and in the afternoon we went for a long walk on the beach followed by some home cooked local delicacies and beverages in our boatshed. We were later entertained by the alcohol fueled racegoers returning to the marina after their day in Monaco.

It was a nice weekend but monday morning had arrived and we had to get to Anduze to start our next house sit. Tish and Tim were our new hosts, they are originally from the UK but have been living in France long enough to be considered locals and shared their house on a sizable plot of land with their two dogs and three cats. Tim and Tish were retired. Tim having been in the automotive industry has maintained his passion of the motor car having a collection of restored and project cars scattered around the property.

They were off to Sardinia for three weeks so we were charged with looking after the pooches and felines as well as maintaining the garden. The lawn area was extensive and spread over three tiers but fortunately they had an articulated ride-on mower which made the job for me more fun rather than a chore, even though it was springtime and you could almost watch the grass grow!

Anduze is a small village in the south of France, and we were about three kilometers from the centre. Even though there were supermarkets nearby we enjoyed going into town, especially on market days so we could make the most of the fresh produce and all the French gastronomical delights. The two dogs, Noodle the poodle and Merlot the Bichon enjoyed their walks in town too. For normal morning walks, I’d put them in the car for a ten minute drive to the river where they could run free along the fast flowing rapids rife with trout and salmon visibly swimming upstream. It really is a picturesque part of the country and the brisk walk was usually rewarded by some fresh croissants I would pick up from the bakery on the way home. As you could imagine, we were enjoying this lifestyle immensely. 

We enjoyed several day trips to nearby towns including Sommières, a historic village that has a Roman bridge, a medieval centre, and a fortified gate. We spent a pleasant Saturday morning roaming its streets and markets.There were numerous bars along the river and we thought it would be nice to have some lunch but we soon realised that all the bars only serve drinks and many of the patrons eating at the tables were actually indulging in the food they had bought from the market! “Great concept” we thought so it was back to the market stalls for some food to go with our drinks by the river.

Another day trip was to Palavas-les-Flots, a seaside town just outside Montpellier. It was really a hark back to the town as I had stayed there when travelling with a mate some thirty years ago. We walked and walked the streets of the old town and the beach area but nothing was coming back to me – obviously I drank too much back then!

While in the area we also visited a medieval town named Aigue Morte, which was a small Templar walled town- the foundation of the city is said to be from around 102BC, but the first tower in the swamps was built in 791. The walled town was picturesque and almost looked like a movie set. It was also very popular with the tourists!

Tish and Tim returned from their holiday in Sardinia and we enjoyed a dinner we had prepared for them, which has become the norm- We have made it a point of having our hosts return to their home in as clean or cleaner condition than they had left it and to have a meal ready for them, as we well know that the last thing you want to do after a long journey is to cook.

We packed our little Peugeot and made tracks for the 1300 km journey to Hude in Northern Germany where we would be spending the next six months house sitting one cat! We had been living out of a suitcase for twelve months by this stage – how were we going to cope with being settled in one place for six months?

People ask us about how we get our house sits. This is the main website we use.
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